Notable Event Types

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Certain notable events are reported using a structured format. Commonly, these notable events are also copied to the table system.eventlog, unless the cluster setting server.eventlog.enabled is unset.

Additionally, notable events are copied to specific external logging channels in log messages, where they can be collected for further processing.

The sections below document the possible notable event types in this version of CockroachDB. For each event type, a table documents the possible fields. A field may be omitted from an event if its value is empty or zero.

A field is also considered "Sensitive" if it may contain application-specific information or personally identifiable information (PII). In that case, the copy of the event sent to the external logging channel will contain redaction markers in a format that is compatible with the redaction facilities in cockroach debug zip and cockroach debug merge-logs, provided the redactable functionality is enabled on the logging sink.

Events not documented on this page will have an unstructured format in log messages.

Changefeed telemetry events

Events in this category pertain to changefeed usage and metrics.

Events in this category are logged to the TELEMETRY channel.


An event of type changefeed_emitted_bytes is an event representing the bytes emitted by a changefeed over an interval.

Field Description Sensitive
EmittedBytes The number of bytes emitted. no
EmittedMessages The number of messages emitted. no
LoggingInterval The time period in nanoseconds between emitting telemetry events of this type (per-aggregator). no
Closing Flag to indicate that the changefeed is closing. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Description The description of that would show up in the job's description field, redacted yes
SinkType The type of sink being emitted to (ex: kafka, nodelocal, webhook-https). no
NumTables The number of tables listed in the query that the changefeed is to run on. no
Resolved The behavior of emitted resolved spans (ex: yes, no, 10s) no
InitialScan The desired behavior of initial scans (ex: yes, no, only) no
Format The data format being emitted (ex: JSON, Avro). no
JobId The job id for enterprise changefeeds. no


An event of type changefeed_failed is an event for any changefeed failure since the plan hook was triggered.

Field Description Sensitive
FailureType The reason / environment with which the changefeed failed (ex: connection_closed, changefeed_behind). no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Description The description of that would show up in the job's description field, redacted yes
SinkType The type of sink being emitted to (ex: kafka, nodelocal, webhook-https). no
NumTables The number of tables listed in the query that the changefeed is to run on. no
Resolved The behavior of emitted resolved spans (ex: yes, no, 10s) no
InitialScan The desired behavior of initial scans (ex: yes, no, only) no
Format The data format being emitted (ex: JSON, Avro). no
JobId The job id for enterprise changefeeds. no


An event of type create_changefeed is an event for any CREATE CHANGEFEED query that successfully starts running. Failed CREATE statements will show up as ChangefeedFailed events.

Field Description Sensitive
Transformation Flag representing whether the changefeed is using CDC queries. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Description The description of that would show up in the job's description field, redacted yes
SinkType The type of sink being emitted to (ex: kafka, nodelocal, webhook-https). no
NumTables The number of tables listed in the query that the changefeed is to run on. no
Resolved The behavior of emitted resolved spans (ex: yes, no, 10s) no
InitialScan The desired behavior of initial scans (ex: yes, no, only) no
Format The data format being emitted (ex: JSON, Avro). no
JobId The job id for enterprise changefeeds. no

Cluster-level events

Events in this category pertain to an entire cluster and are not relative to any particular tenant.

In a multi-tenant setup, the system.eventlog table for individual tenants cannot contain a copy of cluster-level events; conversely, the system.eventlog table in the system tenant cannot contain the SQL-level events for individual tenants.

Events in this category are logged to the OPS channel.


An event of type certs_reload is recorded when the TLS certificates are reloaded/rotated from disk.

Field Description Sensitive
Success Whether the operation completed without errors. no
ErrorMessage If an error was encountered, the text of the error. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no


An event of type disk_slowness_cleared is recorded when disk slowness in a store has cleared.

Field Description Sensitive
NodeID The node ID where the event was originated. no
StoreID no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no


An event of type disk_slowness_detected is recorded when a store observes disk slowness events.

Field Description Sensitive
NodeID The node ID where the event was originated. no
StoreID no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no


An event of type node_decommissioned is recorded when a node is marked as decommissioned.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
RequestingNodeID The node ID where the event was originated. no
TargetNodeID The node ID affected by the operation. no


An event of type node_decommissioning is recorded when a node is marked as decommissioning.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
RequestingNodeID The node ID where the event was originated. no
TargetNodeID The node ID affected by the operation. no


An event of type node_join is recorded when a node joins the cluster.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
NodeID The node ID where the event was originated. no
StartedAt The time when this node was last started. no
LastUp The approximate last time the node was up before the last restart. no


An event of type node_recommissioned is recorded when a decommissioning node is recommissioned.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
RequestingNodeID The node ID where the event was originated. no
TargetNodeID The node ID affected by the operation. no


An event of type node_restart is recorded when an existing node rejoins the cluster after being offline.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
NodeID The node ID where the event was originated. no
StartedAt The time when this node was last started. no
LastUp The approximate last time the node was up before the last restart. no


An event of type node_shutdown_connection_timeout is recorded when SQL connections remain open during shutdown, after waiting for the server.shutdown.connections.timeout to transpire.

Field Description Sensitive
Detail The detailed message, meant to be a human-understandable explanation. no
ConnectionsRemaining The number of connections still open after waiting for the client to close them. no
TimeoutMillis The amount of time the server waited for the client to close the connections, defined by server.shutdown.connections.timeout. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
NodeID The node ID where the event was originated. no
StartedAt The time when this node was last started. no
LastUp The approximate last time the node was up before the last restart. no


An event of type node_shutdown_transaction_timeout is recorded when SQL transactions remain open during shutdown, after waiting for the server.shutdown.transactions.timeout to transpire.

Field Description Sensitive
Detail The detailed message, meant to be a human-understandable explanation. no
ConnectionsRemaining The number of connections still running SQL transactions after waiting for the client to end them. no
TimeoutMillis The amount of time the server waited for the client to close the connections, defined by server.shutdown.transactions.timeout. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
NodeID The node ID where the event was originated. no
StartedAt The time when this node was last started. no
LastUp The approximate last time the node was up before the last restart. no


An event of type tenant_shared_service_start is recorded when a tenant server is started inside the same process as the KV layer.

Field Description Sensitive
OK Whether the startup was successful. no
ErrorText If the startup failed, the text of the error. partially

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
NodeID The node ID where the event was originated. no
TenantID The ID of the tenant owning the service. no
InstanceID The ID of the server instance. no
TenantName The name of the tenant at the time the event was emitted. yes


An event of type tenant_shared_service_stop is recorded when a tenant server is shut down inside the same process as the KV layer.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
NodeID The node ID where the event was originated. no
TenantID The ID of the tenant owning the service. no
InstanceID The ID of the server instance. no
TenantName The name of the tenant at the time the event was emitted. yes

Debugging events

Events in this category pertain to debugging operations performed by operators or (more commonly) Cockroach Labs employees. These operations can e.g. directly access and mutate internal state, breaking system invariants.

Events in this category are logged to the OPS channel.


An event of type debug_recover_replica is recorded when unsafe loss of quorum recovery is performed.

Field Description Sensitive
RangeID no
StoreID no
SurvivorReplicaID no
UpdatedReplicaID no
StartKey yes
EndKey yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
NodeID The node ID where the event originated. no
User The user which performed the operation. yes


An event of type debug_send_kv_batch is recorded when an arbitrary KV BatchRequest is submitted to the cluster via the debug send-kv-batch CLI command.

Field Description Sensitive
BatchRequest yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
NodeID The node ID where the event originated. no
User The user which performed the operation. yes

Health events

Events in this category pertain to the health of one or more servers.

Events in this category are logged to the HEALTH channel.


An event of type runtime_stats is recorded every 10 seconds as server health metrics.

Field Description Sensitive
MemRSSBytes The process resident set size. Expressed as bytes. no
GoroutineCount The number of goroutines. no
MemStackSysBytes The stack system memory used. Expressed as bytes. no
GoAllocBytes The memory allocated by Go. Expressed as bytes. no
GoTotalBytes The total memory allocated by Go but not released. Expressed as bytes. no
GoStatsStaleness The staleness of the Go memory statistics. Expressed in seconds. no
HeapFragmentBytes The amount of heap fragmentation. Expressed as bytes. no
HeapReservedBytes The amount of heap reserved. Expressed as bytes. no
HeapReleasedBytes The amount of heap released. Expressed as bytes. no
CGoAllocBytes The memory allocated outside of Go. Expressed as bytes. no
CGoTotalBytes The total memory allocated outside of Go but not released. Expressed as bytes. no
CGoCallRate The total number of calls outside of Go over time. Expressed as operations per second. no
CPUUserPercent The user CPU percentage. no
CPUSysPercent The system CPU percentage. no
GCPausePercent The GC pause percentage. no
GCRunCount The total number of GC runs. no
NetHostRecvBytes The bytes received on all network interfaces since this process started. no
NetHostSendBytes The bytes sent on all network interfaces since this process started. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no

Job events

Events in this category pertain to long-running jobs that are orchestrated by a node's job registry. These system processes can create and/or modify stored objects during the course of their execution.

A job might choose to emit multiple events during its execution when transitioning from one "state" to another. Egs: IMPORT/RESTORE will emit events on job creation and successful completion. If the job fails, events will be emitted on job creation, failure, and successful revert.

Events in this category are logged to the OPS channel.


An event of type import is recorded when an import job is created and successful completion. If the job fails, events will be emitted on job creation, failure, and successful revert.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
JobID The ID of the job that triggered the event. no
JobType The type of the job that triggered the event. no
Description A description of the job that triggered the event. Some jobs populate the description with an approximate representation of the SQL statement run to create the job. yes
User The user account that triggered the event. yes
DescriptorIDs The object descriptors affected by the job. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. yes
Status The status of the job that triggered the event. This allows the job to indicate which phase execution it is in when the event is triggered. no


An event of type restore is recorded when a restore job is created and successful completion. If the job fails, events will be emitted on job creation, failure, and successful revert.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
JobID The ID of the job that triggered the event. no
JobType The type of the job that triggered the event. no
Description A description of the job that triggered the event. Some jobs populate the description with an approximate representation of the SQL statement run to create the job. yes
User The user account that triggered the event. yes
DescriptorIDs The object descriptors affected by the job. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. yes
Status The status of the job that triggered the event. This allows the job to indicate which phase execution it is in when the event is triggered. no


An event of type status_change is recorded when a job changes statuses.

Field Description Sensitive
JobID The ID of the job that is changing statuses. no
JobType The type of the job that is changing statuses. no
Description A human parsable description of the status change partially
PreviousStatus The status that the job is transitioning out of no
NewStatus The status that the job has transitioned into no
RunNum The run number of the job. no
Error An error that may have occurred while the job was running. yes
FinalResumeErr An error that occurred that requires the job to be reverted. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no

Miscellaneous SQL events

Events in this category report miscellaneous SQL events.

They are relative to a particular SQL tenant. In a multi-tenant setup, copies of these miscellaneous events are preserved in each tenant's own system.eventlog table.

Events in this category are logged to the OPS channel.


An event of type set_cluster_setting is recorded when a cluster setting is changed.

Field Description Sensitive
SettingName The name of the affected cluster setting. no
Value The new value of the cluster setting. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type set_tenant_cluster_setting is recorded when a cluster setting override is changed, either for another tenant or for all tenants.

Field Description Sensitive
SettingName The name of the affected cluster setting. no
Value The new value of the cluster setting. yes
TenantId The target Tenant ID. Empty if targeting all tenants. no
AllTenants Whether the override applies to all tenants. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes

SQL Access Audit Events

Events in this category are generated when a table has been marked as audited via ALTER TABLE ... EXPERIMENTAL_AUDIT SET.

Note: These events are not written to system.eventlog, even when the cluster setting system.eventlog.enabled is set. They are only emitted via external logging.

Events in this category are logged to the SENSITIVE_ACCESS channel.


An event of type admin_query is recorded when a user with admin privileges (the user is directly or indirectly a member of the admin role) executes a query.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
ExecMode How the statement was being executed (exec/prepare, etc.) no
NumRows Number of rows returned. For mutation statements (INSERT, etc) that do not produce result rows, this field reports the number of rows affected. no
SQLSTATE The SQLSTATE code for the error, if an error was encountered. Empty/omitted if no error. no
ErrorText The text of the error if any. partially
Age Age of the query in milliseconds. no
NumRetries Number of retries, when the txn was reretried automatically by the server. no
FullTableScan Whether the query contains a full table scan. no
FullIndexScan Whether the query contains a full secondary index scan of a non-partial index. no
TxnCounter The sequence number of the SQL transaction inside its session. no
BulkJobId The job id for bulk job (IMPORT/BACKUP/RESTORE). no
StmtPosInTxn The statement's index in the transaction, starting at 1. no


An event of type role_based_audit_event is an audit event recorded when an executed query belongs to a user whose role membership(s) correspond to any role that is enabled to emit an audit log via the sql.log.user_audit cluster setting.

Field Description Sensitive
Role The configured audit role that emitted this log. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
ExecMode How the statement was being executed (exec/prepare, etc.) no
NumRows Number of rows returned. For mutation statements (INSERT, etc) that do not produce result rows, this field reports the number of rows affected. no
SQLSTATE The SQLSTATE code for the error, if an error was encountered. Empty/omitted if no error. no
ErrorText The text of the error if any. partially
Age Age of the query in milliseconds. no
NumRetries Number of retries, when the txn was reretried automatically by the server. no
FullTableScan Whether the query contains a full table scan. no
FullIndexScan Whether the query contains a full secondary index scan of a non-partial index. no
TxnCounter The sequence number of the SQL transaction inside its session. no
BulkJobId The job id for bulk job (IMPORT/BACKUP/RESTORE). no
StmtPosInTxn The statement's index in the transaction, starting at 1. no


An event of type sensitive_table_access is recorded when an access is performed to a table marked as audited.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the table being audited. yes
AccessMode How the table was accessed (r=read / rw=read/write). no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
ExecMode How the statement was being executed (exec/prepare, etc.) no
NumRows Number of rows returned. For mutation statements (INSERT, etc) that do not produce result rows, this field reports the number of rows affected. no
SQLSTATE The SQLSTATE code for the error, if an error was encountered. Empty/omitted if no error. no
ErrorText The text of the error if any. partially
Age Age of the query in milliseconds. no
NumRetries Number of retries, when the txn was reretried automatically by the server. no
FullTableScan Whether the query contains a full table scan. no
FullIndexScan Whether the query contains a full secondary index scan of a non-partial index. no
TxnCounter The sequence number of the SQL transaction inside its session. no
BulkJobId The job id for bulk job (IMPORT/BACKUP/RESTORE). no
StmtPosInTxn The statement's index in the transaction, starting at 1. no

SQL Execution Log

Events in this category report executed queries.

Note: These events are not written to system.eventlog, even when the cluster setting system.eventlog.enabled is set. They are only emitted via external logging.

Events in this category are logged to the SQL_EXEC channel.


An event of type query_execute is recorded when a query is executed, and the cluster setting sql.log.all_statements.enabled is set.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
ExecMode How the statement was being executed (exec/prepare, etc.) no
NumRows Number of rows returned. For mutation statements (INSERT, etc) that do not produce result rows, this field reports the number of rows affected. no
SQLSTATE The SQLSTATE code for the error, if an error was encountered. Empty/omitted if no error. no
ErrorText The text of the error if any. partially
Age Age of the query in milliseconds. no
NumRetries Number of retries, when the txn was reretried automatically by the server. no
FullTableScan Whether the query contains a full table scan. no
FullIndexScan Whether the query contains a full secondary index scan of a non-partial index. no
TxnCounter The sequence number of the SQL transaction inside its session. no
BulkJobId The job id for bulk job (IMPORT/BACKUP/RESTORE). no
StmtPosInTxn The statement's index in the transaction, starting at 1. no

SQL Logical Schema Changes

Events in this category pertain to DDL (Data Definition Language) operations performed by SQL statements that modify the SQL logical schema.

They are relative to a particular SQL tenant. In a multi-tenant setup, copies of DDL-related events are preserved in each tenant's own system.eventlog table.

Events in this category are logged to the SQL_SCHEMA channel.


An event of type alter_database_add_region is recorded when a region is added to a database.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The name of the database. yes
RegionName The region being added. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


AlterDatabaseAddRegion is recorded when a region is added to a database.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The name of the database. yes
RegionName The region being dropped. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type alter_database_placement is recorded when the database placement is modified.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The name of the database. yes
Placement The new placement policy. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type alter_database_primary_region is recorded when a primary region is added/modified.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The name of the database. yes
PrimaryRegionName The new primary region. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type alter_database_set_zone_config_extension is recorded when a zone config extension is changed.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
Target The target object of the zone config change. yes
Config The applied zone config in YAML format. yes
Options The SQL representation of the applied zone config options. yes


An event of type alter_database_survival_goal is recorded when the survival goal is modified.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The name of the database. yes
SurvivalGoal The new survival goal yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type alter_function_options is recorded when a user-defined function's options are altered.

Field Description Sensitive
FunctionName Name of the affected function. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type alter_index is recorded when an index is altered.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the table containing the affected index. yes
IndexName The name of the affected index. yes
MutationID The mutation ID for the asynchronous job that is processing the index update. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


AlterIndex is recorded when an index visibility is altered.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the table containing the affected index. yes
IndexName The name of the affected index. yes
NotVisible Set true if index is not visible. NOTE: THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED in favor of invisibility. no
Invisibility The new invisibility of the affected index. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type alter_sequence is recorded when a sequence is altered.

Field Description Sensitive
SequenceName The name of the affected sequence. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type alter_table is recorded when a table is altered.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the affected table. yes
MutationID The mutation ID for the asynchronous job that is processing the index update, if any. no
CascadeDroppedViews The names of the views dropped as a result of a cascade operation. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


EventAlterType is recorded when a user-defined type is altered.

Field Description Sensitive
TypeName The name of the affected type. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type comment_on_column is recorded when a column is commented.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the table containing the affected column. yes
ColumnName The affected column. yes
Comment The new comment. yes
NullComment Set to true if the comment was removed entirely. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type comment_on_constraint is recorded when an constraint is commented.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the table containing the affected constraint. yes
ConstraintName The name of the affected constraint. yes
Comment The new comment. yes
NullComment Set to true if the comment was removed entirely. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


CommentOnTable is recorded when a database is commented.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The name of the affected database. yes
Comment The new comment. yes
NullComment Set to true if the comment was removed entirely. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type comment_on_index is recorded when an index is commented.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the table containing the affected index. yes
IndexName The name of the affected index. yes
Comment The new comment. yes
NullComment Set to true if the comment was removed entirely. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


Field Description Sensitive
SchemaName Name of the affected schema. yes
Comment The new comment. yes
NullComment Set to true if the comment was removed entirely. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type comment_on_table is recorded when a table is commented.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the affected table. yes
Comment The new comment. yes
NullComment Set to true if the comment was removed entirely. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type comment_on_type is recorded when a type is commented.

Field Description Sensitive
TypeName The name of the affected type. yes
Comment The new comment. yes
NullComment Set to true if the comment was removed entirely. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type create_database is recorded when a database is created.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The name of the new database. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type create_function is recorded when a user-defined function is created.

Field Description Sensitive
FunctionName Name of the created function. yes
IsReplace If the new function is a replace of an existing function. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type create_index is recorded when an index is created.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the table containing the new index. yes
IndexName The name of the new index. yes
MutationID The mutation ID for the asynchronous job that is processing the index update. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type create_schema is recorded when a schema is created.

Field Description Sensitive
SchemaName The name of the new schema. yes
Owner The name of the owner for the new schema. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type create_sequence is recorded when a sequence is created.

Field Description Sensitive
SequenceName The name of the new sequence. yes
Owner The name of the owner for the new sequence. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type create_statistics is recorded when statistics are collected for a table.

Events of this type are only collected when the cluster setting sql.stats.post_events.enabled is set.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the table for which the statistics were created. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type create_table is recorded when a table is created.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the new table. yes
Owner The name of the owner for the new table. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type create_type is recorded when a user-defined type is created.

Field Description Sensitive
TypeName The name of the new type. yes
Owner The name of the owner for the new type. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type create_view is recorded when a view is created.

Field Description Sensitive
ViewName The name of the new view. yes
Owner The name of the owner of the new view. yes
ViewQuery The SQL selection clause used to define the view. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type drop_database is recorded when a database is dropped.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The name of the affected database. yes
DroppedSchemaObjects The names of the schemas dropped by a cascade operation. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type drop_function is recorded when a user-defined function is dropped.

Field Description Sensitive
FunctionName Name of the created function. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type drop_index is recorded when an index is dropped.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the table containing the affected index. yes
IndexName The name of the affected index. yes
MutationID The mutation ID for the asynchronous job that is processing the index update. no
CascadeDroppedViews The names of the views dropped as a result of a cascade operation. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type drop_schema is recorded when a schema is dropped.

Field Description Sensitive
SchemaName The name of the affected schema. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type drop_sequence is recorded when a sequence is dropped.

Field Description Sensitive
SequenceName The name of the affected sequence. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type drop_table is recorded when a table is dropped.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the affected table. yes
CascadeDroppedViews The names of the views dropped as a result of a cascade operation. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type drop_type is recorded when a user-defined type is dropped.

Field Description Sensitive
TypeName The name of the affected type. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type drop_view is recorded when a view is dropped.

Field Description Sensitive
ViewName The name of the affected view. yes
CascadeDroppedViews The names of the views dropped as a result of a cascade operation. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type finish_schema_change is recorded when a previously initiated schema change has completed.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
InstanceID The instance ID (not tenant ID) of the SQL server where the event was originated. no
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
MutationID The descriptor mutation that this schema change was processing. no


An event of type finish_schema_change_rollback is recorded when a previously initiated schema change rollback has completed.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
InstanceID The instance ID (not tenant ID) of the SQL server where the event was originated. no
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
MutationID The descriptor mutation that this schema change was processing. no


Field Description Sensitive
DescriptorID no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type rename_database is recorded when a database is renamed.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The old name of the affected database. yes
NewDatabaseName The new name of the affected database. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type rename_function is recorded when a user-defined function is renamed.

Field Description Sensitive
FunctionName The old name of the affected function. yes
NewFunctionName The new name of the affected function. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type rename_schema is recorded when a schema is renamed.

Field Description Sensitive
SchemaName The old name of the affected schema. yes
NewSchemaName The new name of the affected schema. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type rename_table is recorded when a table, sequence or view is renamed.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The old name of the affected table. yes
NewTableName The new name of the affected table. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type rename_type is recorded when a user-defined type is renamed.

Field Description Sensitive
TypeName The old name of the affected type. yes
NewTypeName The new name of the affected type. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type reverse_schema_change is recorded when an in-progress schema change encounters a problem and is reversed.

Field Description Sensitive
Error The error encountered that caused the schema change to be reversed. The specific format of the error is variable and can change across releases without warning. yes
SQLSTATE The SQLSTATE code for the error. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
InstanceID The instance ID (not tenant ID) of the SQL server where the event was originated. no
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
MutationID The descriptor mutation that this schema change was processing. no


An event of type set_schema is recorded when a table, view, sequence or type's schema is changed.

Field Description Sensitive
DescriptorName The old name of the affected descriptor. yes
NewDescriptorName The new name of the affected descriptor. yes
DescriptorType The descriptor type being changed (table, view, sequence, type). yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type truncate_table is recorded when a table is truncated.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the affected table. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type unsafe_delete_descriptor is recorded when a descriptor is written using crdb_internal.unsafe_delete_descriptor().

The fields of this event type are reserved and can change across patch releases without advance notice.

Field Description Sensitive
ParentID no
ParentSchemaID no
Name yes
Force no
ForceNotice yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type unsafe_delete_namespace_entry is recorded when a namespace entry is written using crdb_internal.unsafe_delete_namespace_entry().

The fields of this event type are reserved and can change across patch releases without advance notice.

Field Description Sensitive
ParentID no
ParentSchemaID no
Name yes
Force no
ForceNotice yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type unsafe_upsert_descriptor is recorded when a descriptor is written using crdb_internal.unsafe_upsert_descriptor().

Field Description Sensitive
PreviousDescriptor yes
NewDescriptor yes
Force no
ForceNotice yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type unsafe_upsert_namespace_entry is recorded when a namespace entry is written using crdb_internal.unsafe_upsert_namespace_entry().

The fields of this event type are reserved and can change across patch releases without advance notice.

Field Description Sensitive
ParentID no
ParentSchemaID no
Name yes
PreviousID no
Force no
FailedValidation no
ValidationErrors yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes

SQL Privilege changes

Events in this category pertain to DDL (Data Definition Language) operations performed by SQL statements that modify the privilege grants for stored objects.

They are relative to a particular SQL tenant. In a multi-tenant setup, copies of DDL-related events are preserved in each tenant's own system.eventlog table.

Events in this category are logged to the PRIVILEGES channel.


An event of type alter_database_owner is recorded when a database's owner is changed.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The name of the database being affected. yes
Owner The name of the new owner. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type alter_default_privileges is recorded when default privileges are changed.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The name of the affected database. yes
RoleName Either role_name should be populated or for_all_roles should be true. The role having its default privileges altered. yes
ForAllRoles Identifies if FOR ALL ROLES is used. no
SchemaName The name of the affected schema. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
Grantee The user/role affected by the grant or revoke operation. yes
GrantedPrivileges The privileges being granted to the grantee. no
RevokedPrivileges The privileges being revoked from the grantee. no


AlterTableOwner is recorded when the owner of a user-defined function is changed.

Field Description Sensitive
FunctionName The name of the affected user-defined function. yes
Owner The name of the new owner. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type alter_schema_owner is recorded when a schema's owner is changed.

Field Description Sensitive
SchemaName The name of the affected schema. yes
Owner The name of the new owner. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type alter_table_owner is recorded when the owner of a table, view or sequence is changed.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the affected object. yes
Owner The name of the new owner. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type alter_type_owner is recorded when the owner of a user-defiend type is changed.

Field Description Sensitive
TypeName The name of the affected type. yes
Owner The name of the new owner. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type change_database_privilege is recorded when privileges are added to / removed from a user for a database object.

Field Description Sensitive
DatabaseName The name of the affected database. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
Grantee The user/role affected by the grant or revoke operation. yes
GrantedPrivileges The privileges being granted to the grantee. no
RevokedPrivileges The privileges being revoked from the grantee. no


Field Description Sensitive
FuncName The name of the affected function. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
Grantee The user/role affected by the grant or revoke operation. yes
GrantedPrivileges The privileges being granted to the grantee. no
RevokedPrivileges The privileges being revoked from the grantee. no


An event of type change_schema_privilege is recorded when privileges are added to / removed from a user for a schema object.

Field Description Sensitive
SchemaName The name of the affected schema. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
Grantee The user/role affected by the grant or revoke operation. yes
GrantedPrivileges The privileges being granted to the grantee. no
RevokedPrivileges The privileges being revoked from the grantee. no


An event of type change_table_privilege is recorded when privileges are added to / removed from a user for a table, sequence or view object.

Field Description Sensitive
TableName The name of the affected table. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
Grantee The user/role affected by the grant or revoke operation. yes
GrantedPrivileges The privileges being granted to the grantee. no
RevokedPrivileges The privileges being revoked from the grantee. no


An event of type change_type_privilege is recorded when privileges are added to / removed from a user for a type object.

Field Description Sensitive
TypeName The name of the affected type. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
Grantee The user/role affected by the grant or revoke operation. yes
GrantedPrivileges The privileges being granted to the grantee. no
RevokedPrivileges The privileges being revoked from the grantee. no

SQL Session events

Events in this category report SQL client connections and sessions.

They are relative to a particular SQL tenant. In a multi-tenant setup, copies of these miscellaneous events are preserved in each tenant's own system.eventlog table.

Events in this category are logged to the SESSIONS channel.


An event of type client_authentication_failed is reported when a client session did not authenticate successfully.

Events of this type are only emitted when the cluster setting server.auth_log.sql_sessions.enabled is set.

Field Description Sensitive
Reason The reason for the authentication failure. See below for possible values for type AuthFailReason. no
Detail The detailed error for the authentication failure. partially
Method The authentication method used. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
InstanceID The instance ID (not tenant ID) of the SQL server where the event was originated. no
Network The network protocol for this connection: tcp4, tcp6, unix, etc. no
RemoteAddress The remote address of the SQL client. Note that when using a proxy or other intermediate server, this field will contain the address of the intermediate server. yes
SessionID The connection's hex encoded session id. no
Transport The connection type after transport negotiation. no
User The database username the session is for. This username will have undergone case-folding and Unicode normalization. yes
SystemIdentity The original system identity provided by the client, if an identity mapping was used per Host-Based Authentication rules. This may be a GSSAPI or X.509 principal or any other external value, so no specific assumptions should be made about the contents of this field. yes


An event of type client_authentication_info is reported for intermediate steps during the authentication process.

Events of this type are only emitted when the cluster setting server.auth_log.sql_sessions.enabled is set.

Field Description Sensitive
Method The authentication method used, once known. no
Info The authentication progress message. partially

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
InstanceID The instance ID (not tenant ID) of the SQL server where the event was originated. no
Network The network protocol for this connection: tcp4, tcp6, unix, etc. no
RemoteAddress The remote address of the SQL client. Note that when using a proxy or other intermediate server, this field will contain the address of the intermediate server. yes
SessionID The connection's hex encoded session id. no
Transport The connection type after transport negotiation. no
User The database username the session is for. This username will have undergone case-folding and Unicode normalization. yes
SystemIdentity The original system identity provided by the client, if an identity mapping was used per Host-Based Authentication rules. This may be a GSSAPI or X.509 principal or any other external value, so no specific assumptions should be made about the contents of this field. yes


An event of type client_authentication_ok is reported when a client session was authenticated successfully.

Events of this type are only emitted when the cluster setting server.auth_log.sql_sessions.enabled is set.

Field Description Sensitive
Method The authentication method used. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
InstanceID The instance ID (not tenant ID) of the SQL server where the event was originated. no
Network The network protocol for this connection: tcp4, tcp6, unix, etc. no
RemoteAddress The remote address of the SQL client. Note that when using a proxy or other intermediate server, this field will contain the address of the intermediate server. yes
SessionID The connection's hex encoded session id. no
Transport The connection type after transport negotiation. no
User The database username the session is for. This username will have undergone case-folding and Unicode normalization. yes
SystemIdentity The original system identity provided by the client, if an identity mapping was used per Host-Based Authentication rules. This may be a GSSAPI or X.509 principal or any other external value, so no specific assumptions should be made about the contents of this field. yes


An event of type client_connection_end is reported when a client connection is closed. This is reported even when authentication fails, and even for simple cancellation messages.

Events of this type are only emitted when the cluster setting server.auth_log.sql_connections.enabled is set.

Field Description Sensitive
Duration The duration of the connection in nanoseconds. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
InstanceID The instance ID (not tenant ID) of the SQL server where the event was originated. no
Network The network protocol for this connection: tcp4, tcp6, unix, etc. no
RemoteAddress The remote address of the SQL client. Note that when using a proxy or other intermediate server, this field will contain the address of the intermediate server. yes
SessionID The connection's hex encoded session id. no


An event of type client_connection_start is reported when a client connection is established. This is reported even when authentication fails, and even for simple cancellation messages.

Events of this type are only emitted when the cluster setting server.auth_log.sql_connections.enabled is set.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
InstanceID The instance ID (not tenant ID) of the SQL server where the event was originated. no
Network The network protocol for this connection: tcp4, tcp6, unix, etc. no
RemoteAddress The remote address of the SQL client. Note that when using a proxy or other intermediate server, this field will contain the address of the intermediate server. yes
SessionID The connection's hex encoded session id. no


An event of type client_session_end is reported when a client session is completed.

Events of this type are only emitted when the cluster setting server.auth_log.sql_sessions.enabled is set.

Field Description Sensitive
Duration The duration of the connection in nanoseconds. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
InstanceID The instance ID (not tenant ID) of the SQL server where the event was originated. no
Network The network protocol for this connection: tcp4, tcp6, unix, etc. no
RemoteAddress The remote address of the SQL client. Note that when using a proxy or other intermediate server, this field will contain the address of the intermediate server. yes
SessionID The connection's hex encoded session id. no
Transport The connection type after transport negotiation. no
User The database username the session is for. This username will have undergone case-folding and Unicode normalization. yes
SystemIdentity The original system identity provided by the client, if an identity mapping was used per Host-Based Authentication rules. This may be a GSSAPI or X.509 principal or any other external value, so no specific assumptions should be made about the contents of this field. yes

SQL Slow Query Log

Events in this category report slow query execution.

Note: these events are not written to system.eventlog, even when the cluster setting system.eventlog.enabled is set. They are only emitted via external logging.

Events in this category are logged to the SQL_PERF channel.


An event of type large_row is recorded when a statement tries to write a row larger than cluster setting sql.guardrails.max_row_size_log to the database. Multiple LargeRow events will be recorded for statements writing multiple large rows. LargeRow events are recorded before the transaction commits, so in the case of transaction abort there will not be a corresponding row in the database.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
RowSize no
TableID no
FamilyID no
PrimaryKey yes


An event of type slow_query is recorded when a query triggers the "slow query" condition.

As of this writing, the condition requires: - the cluster setting sql.log.slow_query.latency_threshold set to a non-zero value, AND - EITHER of the following conditions: - the actual age of the query exceeds the configured threshold; AND/OR - the query performs a full table/index scan AND the cluster setting sql.log.slow_query.experimental_full_table_scans.enabled is set.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
ExecMode How the statement was being executed (exec/prepare, etc.) no
NumRows Number of rows returned. For mutation statements (INSERT, etc) that do not produce result rows, this field reports the number of rows affected. no
SQLSTATE The SQLSTATE code for the error, if an error was encountered. Empty/omitted if no error. no
ErrorText The text of the error if any. partially
Age Age of the query in milliseconds. no
NumRetries Number of retries, when the txn was reretried automatically by the server. no
FullTableScan Whether the query contains a full table scan. no
FullIndexScan Whether the query contains a full secondary index scan of a non-partial index. no
TxnCounter The sequence number of the SQL transaction inside its session. no
BulkJobId The job id for bulk job (IMPORT/BACKUP/RESTORE). no
StmtPosInTxn The statement's index in the transaction, starting at 1. no


An event of type txn_rows_read_limit is recorded when a transaction tries to read more rows than cluster setting sql.defaults.transaction_rows_read_log. There will only be a single record for a single transaction (unless it is retried) even if there are more statement within the transaction that haven't been executed yet.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
TxnID TxnID is the ID of the transaction that hit the row count limit. no
SessionID SessionID is the ID of the session that initiated the transaction. no
NumRows NumRows is the number of rows written/read (depending on the event type) by the transaction that reached the corresponding guardrail. no


An event of type txn_rows_written_limit is recorded when a transaction tries to write more rows than cluster setting sql.defaults.transaction_rows_written_log. There will only be a single record for a single transaction (unless it is retried) even if there are more mutation statements within the transaction that haven't been executed yet.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
TxnID TxnID is the ID of the transaction that hit the row count limit. no
SessionID SessionID is the ID of the session that initiated the transaction. no
NumRows NumRows is the number of rows written/read (depending on the event type) by the transaction that reached the corresponding guardrail. no

SQL Slow Query Log (Internal)

Events in this category report slow query execution by internal executors, i.e., when CockroachDB internally issues SQL statements.

Note: these events are not written to system.eventlog, even when the cluster setting system.eventlog.enabled is set. They are only emitted via external logging.

Events in this category are logged to the SQL_INTERNAL_PERF channel.


An event of type large_row_internal is recorded when an internal query tries to write a row larger than cluster settings sql.guardrails.max_row_size_log or sql.guardrails.max_row_size_err to the database.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
RowSize no
TableID no
FamilyID no
PrimaryKey yes


An event of type slow_query_internal is recorded when a query triggers the "slow query" condition, and the cluster setting sql.log.slow_query.internal_queries.enabled is set. See the documentation for the event type slow_query for details about the "slow query" condition.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
ExecMode How the statement was being executed (exec/prepare, etc.) no
NumRows Number of rows returned. For mutation statements (INSERT, etc) that do not produce result rows, this field reports the number of rows affected. no
SQLSTATE The SQLSTATE code for the error, if an error was encountered. Empty/omitted if no error. no
ErrorText The text of the error if any. partially
Age Age of the query in milliseconds. no
NumRetries Number of retries, when the txn was reretried automatically by the server. no
FullTableScan Whether the query contains a full table scan. no
FullIndexScan Whether the query contains a full secondary index scan of a non-partial index. no
TxnCounter The sequence number of the SQL transaction inside its session. no
BulkJobId The job id for bulk job (IMPORT/BACKUP/RESTORE). no
StmtPosInTxn The statement's index in the transaction, starting at 1. no


An event of type txn_rows_read_limit_internal is recorded when an internal transaction tries to read more rows than cluster setting sql.defaults.transaction_rows_read_log or sql.defaults.transaction_rows_read_err. There will only be a single record for a single transaction (unless it is retried) even if there are more mutation statements within the transaction that haven't been executed yet.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
TxnID TxnID is the ID of the transaction that hit the row count limit. no
SessionID SessionID is the ID of the session that initiated the transaction. no
NumRows NumRows is the number of rows written/read (depending on the event type) by the transaction that reached the corresponding guardrail. no


An event of type txn_rows_written_limit_internal is recorded when an internal transaction tries to write more rows than cluster setting sql.defaults.transaction_rows_written_log or sql.defaults.transaction_rows_written_err. There will only be a single record for a single transaction (unless it is retried) even if there are more mutation statements within the transaction that haven't been executed yet.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
TxnID TxnID is the ID of the transaction that hit the row count limit. no
SessionID SessionID is the ID of the session that initiated the transaction. no
NumRows NumRows is the number of rows written/read (depending on the event type) by the transaction that reached the corresponding guardrail. no

SQL User and Role operations

Events in this category pertain to SQL statements that modify the properties of users and roles.

They are relative to a particular SQL tenant. In a multi-tenant setup, copies of DDL-related events are preserved in each tenant's own system.eventlog table.

Events in this category are logged to the USER_ADMIN channel.


An event of type alter_role is recorded when a role is altered.

Field Description Sensitive
RoleName The name of the affected user/role. yes
Options The options set on the user/role. no
SetInfo Information corresponding to an ALTER ROLE SET statement. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type create_role is recorded when a role is created.

Field Description Sensitive
RoleName The name of the new user/role. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type drop_role is recorded when a role is dropped.

Field Description Sensitive
RoleName The name of the affected user/role. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type grant_role is recorded when a role is granted.

Field Description Sensitive
GranteeRoles The roles being granted to. yes
Members The roles being granted. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes


An event of type password_hash_converted is recorded when the password credentials are automatically converted server-side.

Field Description Sensitive
RoleName The name of the user/role whose credentials have been converted. yes
OldMethod The previous hash method. no
NewMethod The new hash method. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no

Storage telemetry events

Events in this category are logged to the TELEMETRY channel.


An event of type level_stats contains per-level statistics for an LSM.

Field Description Sensitive
Level level is the level ID in a LSM (e.g. level(L0) == 0, etc.) no
NumFiles num_files is the number of files in the level (gauge). no
SizeBytes size_bytes is the size of the level, in bytes (gauge). no
Score score is the compaction score of the level (gauge). no
BytesIn bytes_in is the number of bytes written to this level (counter). no
BytesIngested bytes_ingested is the number of bytes ingested into this level (counter). no
BytesMoved bytes_moved is the number of bytes moved into this level via a move-compaction (counter). no
BytesRead bytes_read is the number of bytes read from this level, during compactions (counter). no
BytesCompacted bytes_compacted is the number of bytes written to this level during compactions (counter). no
BytesFlushed bytes flushed is the number of bytes flushed to this level. This value is always zero for levels other than L0 (counter). no
TablesCompacted tables_compacted is the count of tables compacted into this level (counter). no
TablesFlushed tables_flushed is the count of tables flushed into this level (counter). no
TablesIngested tables_ingested is the count of tables ingested into this level (counter). no
TablesMoved tables_moved is the count of tables moved into this level via move-compactions (counter). no
NumSublevels num_sublevel is the count of sublevels for the level. This value is always zero for levels other than L0 (gauge). no


An event of type store_stats contains per store stats.

Note that because stats are scoped to the lifetime of the process, counters (and certain gauges) will be reset across node restarts.

Field Description Sensitive
NodeId node_id is the ID of the node. no
StoreId store_id is the ID of the store. no
Levels levels is a nested message containing per-level statistics. yes
CacheSize cache_size is the size of the cache for the store, in bytes (gauge). no
CacheCount cache_count is the number of items in the cache (gauge). no
CacheHits cache_hits is the number of cache hits (counter). no
CacheMisses cache_misses is the number of cache misses (counter). no
CompactionCountDefault compaction_count_default is the count of default compactions (counter). no
CompactionCountDeleteOnly compaction_count_delete_only is the count of delete-only compactions (counter). no
CompactionCountElisionOnly compaction_count_elision_only is the count of elision-only compactions (counter). no
CompactionCountMove compaction_count_move is the count of move-compactions (counter). no
CompactionCountRead compaction_count_read is the count of read-compactions (counter). no
CompactionCountRewrite compaction_count_rewrite is the count of rewrite-compactions (counter). no
CompactionNumInProgress compactions_num_in_progress is the number of compactions in progress (gauge). no
CompactionMarkedFiles compaction_marked_files is the count of files marked for compaction (gauge). no
FlushCount flush_count is the number of flushes (counter). no
FlushIngestCount no
FlushIngestTableCount no
FlushIngestTableBytes no
IngestCount ingest_count is the number of successful ingest operations (counter). no
MemtableSize memtable_size is the total size allocated to all memtables and (large) batches, in bytes (gauge). no
MemtableCount memtable_count is the count of memtables (gauge). no
MemtableZombieCount memtable_zombie_count is the count of memtables no longer referenced by the current DB state, but still in use by an iterator (gauge). no
MemtableZombieSize memtable_zombie_size is the size, in bytes, of all zombie memtables (gauge). no
WalLiveCount wal_live_count is the count of live WAL files (gauge). no
WalLiveSize wal_live_size is the size, in bytes, of live data in WAL files. With WAL recycling, this value is less than the actual on-disk size of the WAL files (gauge). no
WalObsoleteCount wal_obsolete_count is the count of obsolete WAL files (gauge). no
WalObsoleteSize wal_obsolete_size is the size of obsolete WAL files, in bytes (gauge). no
WalPhysicalSize wal_physical_size is the size, in bytes, of the WAL files on disk (gauge). no
WalBytesIn wal_bytes_in is the number of logical bytes written to the WAL (counter). no
WalBytesWritten wal_bytes_written is the number of bytes written to the WAL (counter). no
TableObsoleteCount table_obsolete_count is the number of tables which are no longer referenced by the current DB state or any open iterators (gauge). no
TableObsoleteSize table_obsolete_size is the size, in bytes, of obsolete tables (gauge). no
TableZombieCount table_zombie_count is the number of tables no longer referenced by the current DB state, but are still in use by an open iterator (gauge). no
TableZombieSize table_zombie_size is the size, in bytes, of zombie tables (gauge). no
RangeKeySetsCount range_key_sets_count is the approximate count of internal range key sets in the store. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no

Telemetry events

Events in this category are logged to the TELEMETRY channel.


An event of type captured_index_usage_stats

Field Description Sensitive
TotalReadCount TotalReadCount is the number of times the index has been read. no
LastRead LastRead is the timestamp at which the index was last read. no
TableID TableID is the ID of the table on which the index was created. This is same as descpb.TableID and is unique within the cluster. no
IndexID IndexID is the ID of the index within the scope of the given table. no
DatabaseName DatabaseName is the name of the database in which the index was created. no
TableName TableName is the name of the table on which the index was created. no
IndexName IndexName is the name of the index within the scope of the given table. no
IndexType IndexType is the type of the index. Index types include "primary" and "secondary". no
IsUnique IsUnique indicates if the index has a UNIQUE constraint. no
IsInverted IsInverted indicates if the index is an inverted index. no
CreatedAt CreatedAt is the timestamp at which the index was created. no
SchemaName SchemaName is the name of the schema in which the index was created. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no


An event of type hot_ranges_stats

Field Description Sensitive
RangeID no
Qps no
DatabaseName DatabaseName is the name of the database in which the index was created. yes
TableName TableName is the name of the table on which the index was created. yes
IndexName IndexName is the name of the index within the scope of the given table. yes
SchemaName SchemaName is the name of the schema in which the index was created. yes
LeaseholderNodeID LeaseholderNodeID indicates the Node ID that is the current leaseholder for the given range. no
WritesPerSecond Writes per second is the recent number of keys written per second on this range. no
ReadsPerSecond Reads per second is the recent number of keys read per second on this range. no
WriteBytesPerSecond Write bytes per second is the recent number of bytes written per second on this range. no
ReadBytesPerSecond Read bytes per second is the recent number of bytes read per second on this range. no
CPUTimePerSecond CPU time per second is the recent cpu usage in nanoseconds of this range. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no


Internal storage iteration statistics for a single execution.

Field Description Sensitive
StepCount StepCount collects the number of times the iterator moved forward or backward over the DB's underlying storage keyspace. For details, see pkg/storage/engine.go and pkg/sql/opt/exec/factory.go. no
StepCountInternal StepCountInternal collects the number of times the iterator moved forward or backward over LSM internal keys. For details, see pkg/storage/engine.go and pkg/sql/opt/exec/factory.go. no
SeekCount SeekCount collects the number of times the iterator moved to a specific key/value pair in the DB's underlying storage keyspace. For details, see pkg/storage/engine.go and pkg/sql/opt/exec/factory.go. no
SeekCountInternal SeekCountInternal collects the number of times the iterator moved to a specific LSM internal key. For details, see pkg/storage/engine.go and pkg/sql/opt/exec/factory.go. no
BlockBytes BlockBytes collects the bytes in the loaded SSTable data blocks. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats. no
BlockBytesInCache BlockBytesInCache collects the subset of BlockBytes in the block cache. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats. no
KeyBytes KeyBytes collects the bytes in keys that were iterated over. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats. no
ValueBytes ValueBytes collects the bytes in values that were iterated over. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats. no
PointCount PointCount collects the count of point keys iterated over. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats. no
PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones collects the count of point keys that were iterated over that were covered by range tombstones. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats and no
RangeKeyCount RangeKeyCount collects the count of range keys encountered during iteration. For details, see pebble.RangeKeyIteratorStats and no
RangeKeyContainedPoints RangeKeyContainedPoints collects the count of point keys encountered within the bounds of a range key. For details, see pebble.RangeKeyIteratorStats and no
RangeKeySkippedPoints RangeKeySkippedPoints collects the count of the subset of ContainedPoints point keys that were skipped during iteration due to range-key masking. For details, see pkg/storage/engine.go, pebble.RangeKeyIteratorStats, and no


An event of type recovery_event is an event that is logged on every invocation of BACKUP, RESTORE, and on every BACKUP schedule creation, with the appropriate subset of fields populated depending on the type of event. This event is is also logged whenever a BACKUP and RESTORE job completes or fails.

Field Description Sensitive
RecoveryType RecoveryType is the type of recovery described by this event, which is one of - backup - scheduled_backup - create_schedule - restore

It can also be a job event corresponding to the recovery, which is one of - backup_job - scheduled_backup_job - restore_job
TargetScope TargetScope is the largest scope of the targets that the user is backing up or restoring based on the following order: table < schema < database < full cluster. no
IsMultiregionTarget IsMultiregionTarget is true if any of the targets contain objects with multi-region primitives. no
TargetCount TargetCount is the number of targets the in the BACKUP/RESTORE. no
DestinationSubdirType DestinationSubdirType is - latest: if using the latest subdir - standard: if using a date-based subdir - custom: if using a custom subdir that's not date-based no
DestinationStorageTypes DestinationStorageTypes are the types of storage that the user is backing up to or restoring from. no
DestinationAuthTypes DestinationAuthTypes are the types of authentication methods that the user is using to access the destination storage. no
IsLocalityAware IsLocalityAware indicates if the BACKUP or RESTORE is locality aware. no
AsOfInterval AsOfInterval is the time interval in nanoseconds between the statement timestamp and the timestamp resolved by the AS OF SYSTEM TIME expression. The interval is expressed in nanoseconds. no
WithRevisionHistory WithRevisionHistory is true if the BACKUP includes revision history. no
HasEncryptionPassphrase HasEncryptionPassphrase is true if the user provided an encryption passphrase to encrypt/decrypt their backup. no
KMSType KMSType is the type of KMS the user is using to encrypt/decrypt their backup. no
KMSCount KMSCount is the number of KMS the user is using. no
Options Options contain all the names of the options specified by the user in the BACKUP or RESTORE statement. For options that are accompanied by a value, only those with non-empty values will be present.

It's important to note that there are no option values anywhere in the event payload. Future changes to telemetry should refrain from adding values to the payload unless they are properly redacted.
DebugPauseOn DebugPauseOn is the type of event that the restore should pause on for debugging purposes. Currently only "error" is supported. no
JobID JobID is the ID of the BACKUP/RESTORE job. no
ResultStatus ResultStatus indicates whether the job succeeded or failed. no
ErrorText ErrorText is the text of the error that caused the job to fail. partially
RecurringCron RecurringCron is the crontab for the incremental backup. no
FullBackupCron FullBackupCron is the crontab for the full backup. no
CustomFirstRunTime CustomFirstRunTime is the timestamp for the user configured first run time. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
OnExecutionFailure OnExecutionFailure describes the desired behavior if the schedule fails to execute. no
OnPreviousRunning OnPreviousRunning describes the desired behavior if the previously scheduled BACKUP is still running. no
IgnoreExistingBackup IgnoreExistingBackup is true iff the BACKUP schedule should still be created even if a backup is already present in its destination. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where recovery event was created. no
NumRows NumRows is the number of rows successfully imported, backed up or restored. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no


An event of type sampled_exec_stats contains execution statistics that apply to both statements and transactions. These stats as a whole are collected using a sampling approach. These exec stats are meant to contain the same fields as ExecStats in apps_stats.proto but are for a single execution rather than aggregated executions. Fields in this struct should be updated in sync with apps_stats.proto.

Field Description Sensitive
NetworkBytes NetworkBytes collects the number of bytes sent over the network. no
MaxMemUsage MaxMemUsage collects the maximum memory usage that occurred on a node. no
ContentionTime ContentionTime collects the time in seconds statements in the transaction spent contending. no
NetworkMessages NetworkMessages collects the number of messages that were sent over the network. no
MaxDiskUsage MaxDiskUsage collects the maximum temporary disk usage that occurred. This is set in cases where a query had to spill to disk, e.g. when performing a large sort where not all of the tuples fit in memory. no
CPUSQLNanos CPUSQLNanos collects the CPU time spent executing SQL operations in nanoseconds. Currently, it is only collected for statements without mutations that have a vectorized plan. no
MVCCIteratorStats Internal storage iteration statistics. yes


An event of type sampled_query is the SQL query event logged to the telemetry channel. It contains common SQL event/execution details.

Field Description Sensitive
SkippedQueries skipped_queries indicate how many SQL statements were not considered for sampling prior to this one. If the field is omitted, or its value is zero, this indicates that no statement was omitted since the last event. no
CostEstimate Cost of the query as estimated by the optimizer. no
Distribution The distribution of the DistSQL query plan (local, full, or partial). no
PlanGist The query's plan gist bytes as a base64 encoded string. no
SessionID SessionID is the ID of the session that initiated the query. no
Database Name of the database that initiated the query. no
StatementID Statement ID of the query. no
TransactionID Transaction ID of the query. no
MaxFullScanRowsEstimate Maximum number of rows scanned by a full scan, as estimated by the optimizer. no
TotalScanRowsEstimate Total number of rows read by all scans in the query, as estimated by the optimizer. no
OutputRowsEstimate The number of rows output by the query, as estimated by the optimizer. no
StatsAvailable Whether table statistics were available to the optimizer when planning the query. no
NanosSinceStatsCollected The maximum number of nanoseconds that have passed since stats were collected on any table scanned by this query. no
BytesRead The number of bytes read from disk. no
RowsRead The number of rows read from disk. no
RowsWritten The number of rows written. no
InnerJoinCount The number of inner joins in the query plan. no
LeftOuterJoinCount The number of left (or right) outer joins in the query plan. no
FullOuterJoinCount The number of full outer joins in the query plan. no
SemiJoinCount The number of semi joins in the query plan. no
AntiJoinCount The number of anti joins in the query plan. no
IntersectAllJoinCount The number of intersect all joins in the query plan. no
ExceptAllJoinCount The number of except all joins in the query plan. no
HashJoinCount The number of hash joins in the query plan. no
CrossJoinCount The number of cross joins in the query plan. no
IndexJoinCount The number of index joins in the query plan. no
LookupJoinCount The number of lookup joins in the query plan. no
MergeJoinCount The number of merge joins in the query plan. no
InvertedJoinCount The number of inverted joins in the query plan. no
ApplyJoinCount The number of apply joins in the query plan. no
ZigZagJoinCount The number of zig zag joins in the query plan. no
ContentionNanos The duration of time in nanoseconds that the query experienced contention. no
Regions The regions of the nodes where SQL processors ran. no
NetworkBytesSent The number of network bytes sent by nodes for this query. no
MaxMemUsage The maximum amount of memory usage by nodes for this query. no
MaxDiskUsage The maximum amount of disk usage by nodes for this query. no
KVBytesRead The number of bytes read at the KV layer for this query. no
KVPairsRead The number of key-value pairs read at the KV layer for this query. no
KVRowsRead The number of rows read at the KV layer for this query. no
NetworkMessages The number of network messages sent by nodes for this query. no
IndexRecommendations Generated index recommendations for this query. no
ScanCount The number of scans in the query plan. no
ScanWithStatsCount The number of scans using statistics (including forecasted statistics) in the query plan. no
ScanWithStatsForecastCount The number of scans using forecasted statistics in the query plan. no
TotalScanRowsWithoutForecastsEstimate Total number of rows read by all scans in the query, as estimated by the optimizer without using forecasts. no
NanosSinceStatsForecasted The greatest quantity of nanoseconds that have passed since the forecast time (or until the forecast time, if it is in the future, in which case it will be negative) for any table with forecasted stats scanned by this query. no
Indexes The list of indexes used by this query. no
CpuTimeNanos Collects the cumulative CPU time spent executing SQL operations in nanoseconds. Currently, it is only collected for statements without mutations that have a vectorized plan. no
KvGrpcCalls The number of grpc calls done to get data form KV nodes no
KvTimeNanos Cumulated time spent waiting for a KV request. This includes disk IO time and potentially network time (if any of the keys are not local). no
ServiceLatencyNanos The time to service the query, from start of parse to end of execute. no
OverheadLatencyNanos The difference between service latency and the sum of parse latency + plan latency + run latency . no
RunLatencyNanos The time to run the query and fetch or compute the result rows. no
PlanLatencyNanos The time to transform the AST into a logical query plan. no
IdleLatencyNanos The time between statement executions in a transaction no
ParseLatencyNanos The time to transform the SQL string into an abstract syntax tree (AST). no
MvccStepCount StepCount collects the number of times the iterator moved forward or backward over the DB's underlying storage keyspace. For details, see pkg/storage/engine.go and pkg/sql/opt/exec/factory.go. no
MvccStepCountInternal StepCountInternal collects the number of times the iterator moved forward or backward over LSM internal keys. For details, see pkg/storage/engine.go and pkg/sql/opt/exec/factory.go. no
MvccSeekCount SeekCount collects the number of times the iterator moved to a specific key/value pair in the DB's underlying storage keyspace. For details, see pkg/storage/engine.go and pkg/sql/opt/exec/factory.go. no
MvccSeekCountInternal SeekCountInternal collects the number of times the iterator moved to a specific LSM internal key. For details, see pkg/storage/engine.go and pkg/sql/opt/exec/factory.go. no
MvccBlockBytes BlockBytes collects the bytes in the loaded SSTable data blocks. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats. no
MvccBlockBytesInCache BlockBytesInCache collects the subset of BlockBytes in the block cache. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats. no
MvccKeyBytes KeyBytes collects the bytes in keys that were iterated over. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats. no
MvccValueBytes ValueBytes collects the bytes in values that were iterated over. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats. no
MvccPointCount PointCount collects the count of point keys iterated over. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats. no
MvccPointsCoveredByRangeTombstones PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones collects the count of point keys that were iterated over that were covered by range tombstones. For details, see pebble.InternalIteratorStats and no
MvccRangeKeyCount RangeKeyCount collects the count of range keys encountered during iteration. For details, see pebble.RangeKeyIteratorStats and no
MvccRangeKeyContainedPoints RangeKeyContainedPoints collects the count of point keys encountered within the bounds of a range key. For details, see pebble.RangeKeyIteratorStats and no
MvccRangeKeySkippedPoints RangeKeySkippedPoints collects the count of the subset of ContainedPoints point keys that were skipped during iteration due to range-key masking. For details, see pkg/storage/engine.go, pebble.RangeKeyIteratorStats, and no
SchemaChangerMode SchemaChangerMode is the mode that was used to execute the schema change, if any. no
SQLInstanceIDs SQLInstanceIDs is a list of all the SQL instances used in this statement's execution. no
KVNodeIDs KVNodeIDs is a list of all the KV nodes used in this statement's execution. no
StatementFingerprintID Statement fingerprint ID of the query. no
UsedFollowerRead UsedFollowerRead indicates whether at least some reads were served by the follower replicas. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
ExecMode How the statement was being executed (exec/prepare, etc.) no
NumRows Number of rows returned. For mutation statements (INSERT, etc) that do not produce result rows, this field reports the number of rows affected. no
SQLSTATE The SQLSTATE code for the error, if an error was encountered. Empty/omitted if no error. no
ErrorText The text of the error if any. partially
Age Age of the query in milliseconds. no
NumRetries Number of retries, when the txn was reretried automatically by the server. no
FullTableScan Whether the query contains a full table scan. no
FullIndexScan Whether the query contains a full secondary index scan of a non-partial index. no
TxnCounter The sequence number of the SQL transaction inside its session. no
BulkJobId The job id for bulk job (IMPORT/BACKUP/RESTORE). no
StmtPosInTxn The statement's index in the transaction, starting at 1. no


An event of type sampled_transaction is the event logged to telemetry at the end of transaction execution.

Field Description Sensitive
User User is the user account that triggered the transaction. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
ApplicationName ApplicationName is the application name for the session where the transaction was executed. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
TxnCounter TxnCounter is the sequence number of the SQL transaction inside its session. no
SessionID SessionID is the ID of the session that initiated the transaction. no
TransactionID TransactionID is the id of the transaction. no
Committed Committed indicates if the transaction committed successfully. We want to include this value even if it is false. no
ImplicitTxn ImplicitTxn indicates if the transaction was an implicit one. We want to include this value even if it is false. no
StartTimeUnixNanos StartTimeUnixNanos is the time the transaction was started. Expressed as unix time in nanoseconds. no
EndTimeUnixNanos EndTimeUnixNanos the time the transaction finished (either committed or aborted). Expressed as unix time in nanoseconds. no
ServiceLatNanos ServiceLatNanos is the time to service the whole transaction, from start to end of execution. no
SQLSTATE SQLSTATE is the SQLSTATE code for the error, if an error was encountered. Empty/omitted if no error. no
ErrorText ErrorText is the text of the error if any. partially
NumRetries NumRetries is the number of time when the txn was retried automatically by the server. no
LastAutoRetryReason LastAutoRetryReason is a string containing the reason for the last automatic retry. partially
NumRows NumRows is the total number of rows returned across all statements. no
RetryLatNanos RetryLatNanos is the amount of time spent retrying the transaction. no
CommitLatNanos CommitLatNanos is the amount of time spent committing the transaction after all statement operations. no
IdleLatNanos IdleLatNanos is the amount of time spent waiting for the client to send statements while the transaction is open. no
BytesRead BytesRead is the number of bytes read from disk. no
RowsRead RowsRead is the number of rows read from disk. no
RowsWritten RowsWritten is the number of rows written to disk. no
SampledExecStats SampledExecStats is a nested field containing execution statistics. This field will be omitted if the stats were not sampled. yes
SkippedTransactions SkippedTransactions is the number of transactions that were skipped as part of sampling prior to this one. We only count skipped transactions when telemetry logging is enabled and the sampling mode is set to "transaction". no
TransactionFingerprintID TransactionFingerprintID is the fingerprint ID of the transaction. This can be used to find the transaction in the console. no
StatementFingerprintIDs StatementFingerprintIDs is an array of statement fingerprint IDs belonging to this transaction. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no


An event of type schema_descriptor is an event for schema telemetry, whose purpose is to take periodic snapshots of the cluster's SQL schema and publish them in the telemetry log channel. For all intents and purposes, the data in such a snapshot can be thought of the outer join of certain system tables: namespace, descriptor, and at some point perhaps zones, etc.

Snapshots are too large to conveniently be published as a single log event, so instead they're broken down into SchemaDescriptor events which contain the data in one record of this outer join projection. These events are prefixed by a header (a SchemaSnapshotMetadata event).

Field Description Sensitive
SnapshotID SnapshotID is the unique identifier of the snapshot that this event is part of. no
ParentDatabaseID ParentDatabaseID matches the same key column in system.namespace. no
ParentSchemaID ParentSchemaID matches the same key column in system.namespace. no
Name Name matches the same key column in system.namespace. no
DescID DescID matches the 'id' column in system.namespace and system.descriptor. no
Desc Desc matches the 'descriptor' column in system.descriptor. Some contents of the descriptor may be redacted to prevent leaking PII. no

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no


An event of type schema_snapshot_metadata is an event describing a schema snapshot, which is a set of SchemaDescriptor messages sharing the same SnapshotID.

Field Description Sensitive
SnapshotID SnapshotID is the unique identifier of this snapshot. no
NumRecords NumRecords is how many SchemaDescriptor events are in the snapshot. no
AsOfTimestamp AsOfTimestamp is when the snapshot was taken. This is equivalent to the timestamp given in the AS OF SYSTEM TIME clause when querying the namespace and descriptor tables in the system database. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
Errors Errors records any errors encountered when post-processing this snapshot, which includes the redaction of any potential PII. yes

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no

Zone config events

Events in this category pertain to zone configuration changes on the SQL schema or system ranges.

When zone configs apply to individual tables or other objects in a SQL logical schema, they are relative to a particular SQL tenant. In a multi-tenant setup, copies of these zone config events are preserved in each tenant's own system.eventlog table.

When they apply to cluster-level ranges (e.g., the system zone config), they are stored in the system tenant's own system.eventlog table.

Events in this category are logged to the OPS channel.


An event of type remove_zone_config is recorded when a zone config is removed.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
Target The target object of the zone config change. yes
Config The applied zone config in YAML format. yes
Options The SQL representation of the applied zone config options. yes


An event of type set_zone_config is recorded when a zone config is changed.

Common fields

Field Description Sensitive
Timestamp The timestamp of the event. Expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. no
EventType The type of the event. no
Statement A normalized copy of the SQL statement that triggered the event. The statement string contains a mix of sensitive and non-sensitive details (it is redactable). partially
Tag The statement tag. This is separate from the statement string, since the statement string can contain sensitive information. The tag is guaranteed not to. no
User The user account that triggered the event. The special usernames root and node are not considered sensitive. depends
DescriptorID The primary object descriptor affected by the operation. Set to zero for operations that don't affect descriptors. no
ApplicationName The application name for the session where the event was emitted. This is included in the event to ease filtering of logging output by application. no
PlaceholderValues The mapping of SQL placeholders to their values, for prepared statements. yes
Target The target object of the zone config change. yes
Config The applied zone config in YAML format. yes
Options The SQL representation of the applied zone config options. yes

Enumeration types


AuthFailReason is the inventory of possible reasons for an authentication failure.

Value Textual alias in code or documentation Description
0 UNKNOWN is reported when the reason is unknown.
1 USER_RETRIEVAL_ERROR occurs when there was an internal error accessing the principals.
2 USER_NOT_FOUND occurs when the principal is unknown.
3 LOGIN_DISABLED occurs when the user does not have LOGIN privileges.
4 METHOD_NOT_FOUND occurs when no HBA rule matches or the method does not exist.
5 PRE_HOOK_ERROR occurs when the authentication handshake encountered a protocol error.
6 CREDENTIALS_INVALID occurs when the client-provided credentials were invalid.
7 CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED occur when the credentials provided by the client are expired.
8 NO_REPLICATION_ROLEOPTION occurs when the connection requires a replication role option, but the user does not have it.
9 AUTHORIZATION_ERROR is used for errors during the authorization phase. For example, this would include issues with mapping LDAP groups to SQL roles and granting those roles to the user.

Yes No
On this page

Yes No